I våras var Tatevik Lind en av deltagarna på EFLs integrationsprojekt – idag är hon en del av Thules marknadsföringsteam. Tatevik, som har dubbla examina och yrkeserfarenhet från flera europeiska städer i bagaget, delar med sig av sina tankar från utbildningen.

Tatevik Lind får sitt diplom av Henrik Lundgren, VD för EFL. Foto: Jenny Leyman
What were your best takeaways?
The best takeaways for me have been the classes that focused on Sweden and the Nordics. During each of the disciplines that the course comprised of we had a solid amount of time allocated for an in-depth study of specifics of Economics, Finance, Business Law and Business Administration in Sweden. Not only did it allow me to form a holistic understanding and see interdisciplinary links, but also understand how business and society in Sweden were formed through the prism of history and culture.
Tell us about your background
Passionate about strategies, marketing and innovations I graduated with dual master degrees in Strategic Marketing and in Management from top ranking universities as well as worked for international companies within marketing and international business development in Moscow, Paris and Malmö. In my personal time I take violin classes and volunteer for the Red Cross as a member of the marketing and digital strategy teams.
How did you come in contact with EFL?
Through the application of the “6 hand-shakes” theory, which in practice required only 3 wonderful people: my mentor from EnRival – Liridon Zogu, his friend an inspirational speaker – Emil Eriksson and EFL programme coordinator – Erik Larsson.
Now it’s been a while since the program ended – what has happened since then?
While taking the EFL course in Lund University I was interning at Thule Group’s digital team. Since then I switched departments and am today a permanent member of Thule’s marketing team. Together with talented and simply amazing people I work on launching new exciting and innovative products. I am at the happiest point that I have been since I came to Sweden a little over 3 years ago and I am really grateful to the key 3 people that helped me, to EFL and to Thule that made this difference.
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Peter Kjällkvist på 0708-47 12 72 eller peter.kjallkvist@efl.se